Update on grazing and haying of CRP acres

07-25-2012 in Livestock

This morning the Iowa Forage and Grassland Council released the following information about the emergency grazing and haying of CRP acres:

Until the end of the primary nesting season only emergency grazing of CRP acreage can be requested. Currently, no county in Iowa has been approved for emergency grazing.  The requirements for this have not changed; a 40% loss in moisture and forage is needed.

New provisions, will allow for all counties in Iowa to be released for emergency haying and grazing of CRP acreage on August 2nd.

  • The CRP participants must request to hay or graze on or after August 2nd and complete necessary forms, including identifying the acreage to be utilized.
  • Producers cannot hay and graze the same acreage.
  • Will be assessed a 10 percent payment reduction, which is calculated on the acres actually hayed/grazed.
  • Remove all hay or livestock by September 30, 2012.

Emergency Haying

  • Must be completed by August 31, 2012.
  • Is limited to 1 cutting.
  • Leave at least 50% of each field or contiguous field unhayed.
  • Participants may sell the hay harvested under the emergency provisions.

Emergency Grazing

  • Must be completed by September 30, 2012.

A Secretarial Natural Disaster Designation has been approved for ten Iowa Counties that are contiguous to a disaster area in Missouri.  This allowed for Emergency Loans to be made available to eligible family farmers with qualifying production and physical losses.  These contiguous disaster counties are:  Appanoose, Davis, Decatur, Fremont, Lee, Page, Ringgold, Taylor, Van Buren, and Wayne.

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