Through The Gate // October 2022

11-09-2022 in Through The Gate




Happy Porktober!


Happy Porktober from CSIF Executive Director, Brian Waddingham


Iowa has a lot to celebrate when it comes to Porktober. Iowa’s pork producers lead the nation, making Iowa the number one pork producing state. An even more impressive feat is that nearly 1/3 of the nation’s hogs are raised in Iowa! Pig farmers are in each of Iowa’s 99 counties, resulting in over 5,400 pig farms across the state. In turn, Iowa’s pork industry helps to provide a job to over 147,000 Iowans. On the sustainability side of pork, farmers are doing more with less. Compared to 1960, pork production today uses 76% less land, 25% less water, and 7% less energy per pound of pork produced. To sum it all up: The pork industry cares about the environment, the pigs, the economy, and the community!




Farming For The Future: Financing Your Livestock Farm

Looking to grow your farm? Is livestock financially feasible for your farm today? What livestock is right for your farm? Are there cost-share programs available to build livestock barns and feedlots? What’s the outlook for financing and interest rates? If you are asking those questions, then the annual Farming for the Future Conference is a must! This year’s conference, Financing Your Livestock Farm, features an overview of the opportunities in livestock agriculture in the state of Iowa, the financial feasibility of raising livestock today, and programs that are available to help finance your livestock project. Various opportunities for contract feeding livestock will also be presented.





Doing Good in the Neighborhood




Wondering who has won the award from your area? Check out the interactive map on our website!




Neighbor Relations Tip of the Month

Being a good farm neighbor goes beyond communicating with those that live in immediate proximity. Most of the population is at least 2 generation removed from the farm, meaning it’s more important than ever to bridge the gap between producer & consumer. They see things on the internet and hear things from their friends & peers that may cause them to have questions or develop some misconceptions about farming. Hosting school tours or inviting community members to your farm can help to develop a better understanding of the practices utilized to provide high quality care for your livestock and the environment. Farm tours may not be for everyone – which is okay! Your approach might look more like giving educational presentations to community groups or bringing a piece of your farm to a local school. Whatever it may be, it’s essential to share your own farm story before someone else does.




Internship Applications Due Nov. 1, 2022

Applications for the 2023 CSIF Communications Internship close Tuesday, November 1st. To submit an application, or to share the link with an interested candidate, click here. To learn more about the internship, click here.

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