Suspicious Activity Observed Around Livestock Buildings

11-02-2017 in Livestock

CSIF Urges Farmers to be Vigilant

As if the summer drought and reduced crop yields haven’t been challenging enough for livestock farmers, there is a new threat that is popping up across rural Iowa – suspicious activity around livestock barns. The Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers has received several reports from farmers regarding individuals near their livestock buildings and reminds livestock farmers to be vigilant in monitoring their farms as well as their neighbor’s farms. 

We are getting reports from farmers that have seen, and in some instances, talked to individuals they found near their livestock buildings. In one particularly troubling case the individual commented to the farmer that the doors to the building were locked as they had tried to enter the premise.

Farmers should evaluate what security measures they have in place to deter would-be thieves. It’s also a good idea to talk to your neighbors and advise them that if they observe suspicious activity at odd hours to have them contact the sheriff’s department immediately to report it. If farmers don’t have a plan in place, we encourage them to give us call to discuss some options for their operation.

For prevention tips and suggestions of what to do if you are a victim, visit:“Is your livestock farm in the crosshairs: Vandalism and theft.”

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