Manure Applicator Training Begins Jan. 5
12-18-2015 in Livestock
Iowa manure applicators, confinement and commercial, should plan now to complete training to renew their certificates by March 1.
Commercial applicators can take advantage of a Jan. 5 program offered from 9 a.m. to noon at 74 Iowa and three out-of-state locations. Register with the local Iowa State University Extension and Outreach office by Dec. 30.
Confinement site applicators can check the Extension training schedule for a convenient training time and location from Jan. 11 to Feb. 29.
New this fall, online training and fee payment are also available through the DNR’s website.
Seven workshops in February are designed for applicators who work with mostly dry or solid manure from poultry, cattle or hog operations. They are open to both confinement and commercial applicators.
Once training is complete, submit applications and fees to the DNR prior to March 1 to avoid a $12.50 late fee.
Find training times and locations at More information about applicator certification is available at Testing is available at six DNR field offices in lieu of training.
The DNR administers the applicator certification program. In 2015, there were 2,714 commercial and 2,350 confinement site certified applicators in Iowa. ISU Extension and Outreach provides training opportunities. Certified applicators must complete a training session or pass an exam.
State law requires certification for manure applicators who handle, transport or apply manure from a confinement (totally roofed) facility with more than 500 animal units.
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