DES MOINES, Iowa (Feb. 26, 2025) – Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig will present the Wergin Good Farm Neighbor Award to the Jason and Jami Sherer family of Harrison County on Friday, Feb. 28. The presentation will take place at 11 a.m. at the Pisgah United Methodist Church, 420 Front St., Pisgah.
Owned by Jason and Jami Sherer and their daughters Sydney and Brylee, Cobb Hollow Farm began in 2018 when Lincoln Premium Poultry (LPP) and Costco announced an expanded partnership to increase poultry production in the region. The Sherers got involved in the LPP grower network as a breeder flock that produces eggs to be hatched at a hatchery. After leaving the hatchery, the chicks are raised until market weight by other area farmers. The broilers are then harvested and made available to Costco’s customers, with the majority sold as Costco’s popular rotisserie chickens.
“The Sherers are committed to doing things the right way, from offering exceptional care for their animals to implementing practices that support soil health and improve water quality,” said Secretary Naig. “Whether it’s providing leadership to local boards and organizations or helping a neighbor following a natural disaster, the Sherers are making a positive impact in their community. I am pleased to present this deserving family with the Wergin Good Farm Neighbor award.”
In total, Cobb Hollow produces approximately 7.2 million eggs annually. The Sherers also own commercial cow/calf and Scottish Highland herds, and produce crops, including corn, soybeans, and alfalfa. With the help of farm managers Alyssa Rife and Heather Barry, as well as employees George Newton, Kathy Wright, Raina Hoffman, and John Gordon, the farm has since expanded to a second location for poultry production. Throughout the years, they have also had part-time assistance from high school and college students.
Exceptional animal care is a hallmark of Cobb Hollow. In 2023, the farm received LPP’s Top Breeder award, which recognizes their production successes, including a high standard of animal care, enhanced environmental stewardship and robust biosecurity. Their modern barns are equipped with some of the latest ventilation technology as well as automated feeders, waterers, egg collection, and egg packing, all of which ensure comfortable conditions for both the animals and their caretakers. The farm utilizes manure management plans so that nutrients are properly applied. All of their acres are no-tilled and seeded to cover crops, which helps to protect the soil while providing a source of feed for the cattle.
The Sherers are actively involved in the community. Jami is employed as a teacher with the West Harrison Community School District. Prior to farming full-time, Jason was a nursing home administrator for approximately 25 years. He is the current Chair of the Harrison County Economic Development Corporation, Secretary of the CHI Community Hospital Foundation, and a board member of the Harrison County Farm Bureau. Previously, he served as a member of the West Harrison School Board, including a stint as President. He’s also been involved as an EMT and volunteer firefighter. After a storm caused significant damage to a neighbor’s property in early 2024, the family initiated a neighborhood campaign to help with cleanup and fundraising efforts which involved students from the local high school and the county Farm Bureau.
The Wergin Good Farm Neighbor Award is made possible through a partnership with the Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers (CSIF), The Big Show on WHO Radio and the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship. Now in its 21st year, this award recognizes Iowa livestock farmers who take pride in caring for the environment and their livestock while also being good neighbors. It is named in memory of Gary Wergin, a long-time WHO Radio farm broadcaster who helped create the award.
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