From the Intern – Top Five Reasons to Intern with the Coalition
10-10-2018 in Communications Internship
By Megyn Walston, CSIF Communications Intern
#1: Build Your Portfolio
This internship gave me the flexibility to build my portfolio how I wanted to. I was able to improve my writing skills through news releases, blog posts, and social media. A couple of other things I wanted to learn more about this summer were photography and editing. I was able to do this by participating in our events and farm visits as much as I wanted to! I was also able to create social media campaigns, design graphics, and plan events for CSIF that also provided new portfolio pieces.
As the communications intern, you have the opportunity to focus on areas within communication that you are interested in. I enjoyed gaining new skills and learning abundantly outside the classroom this summer.
#2: Networking Opportunities
If you didn’t already know, networking is extremely important in any professional career. I met industry professionals, commodity representative, farmers, agriculture communications professionals, and various other individuals. These are relationships that I can continue to develop throughout my career and utilize for ideas and tips when working on future projects.
#3: Office/Travel Balance
The opportunity to travel was one of my favorite parts of this internship! Days spent out of the office and on the farm were always refreshing. I enjoyed attending conferences, fairs, and visiting nurseries as well. Experiencing agriculture in various environments expanded my communication skills and I will continue to reflect on those experiences when I work on communication projects from the office.
#4: Interview Skill Growth
I wasn’t expecting to continue utilizing interview skills past my initial interview for this position. I quickly realized I was wrong. I was interviewed on the radio during events, and I also interviewed farmers and professionals for our promotional videos and news releases. Being in the interviewer position wasn’t something I had a lot of experience with before, but I ended up enjoying it! This is a skill set that will continue to be important in my future job with communications. Learning to ask the right questions, being an active listener, and taking accurate notes for quotes were all things I learned firsthand.
#5: Unique Opportunities
This summer I was given endless opportunities to step out of my comfort zone in ways I hadn’t expected. For example, I recorded a radio ad, interviewed farmers, helped organize events for 600 people, attended board meetings, and helped CSIF switch to a new website! Many of these opportunities aren’t common among other internships and I am so glad I had the experience of working for CSIF.
CSIF is currently seeking a 2019 Communications Intern! Interested applicants should email their resume, cover letter, two reference letters, and three work samples (writing, photography, and social media) to Visit for more information.
The Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers was created by farmers to help farmers raise livestock responsibly and successfully. It’s a partnership involving the Iowa beef Industry Council, Iowa Cattlemen’s Association, Iowa Corn Growers Association, Iowa Farm Bureau Federation, Iowa Pork Producers Association, Iowa Poultry Association, Iowa Soybean Association, Iowa Turkey Federation and the Midwest Dairy Association.
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