Dedicated long-time CSIF employee and family farmer remembered for his contributions to Iowa agriculture

06-19-2024 in Good Farm Neighbor

DES MOINES, Iowa (June 19, 2024) – Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig will honor the late Kent Mowrer with the Wergin Good Farm Neighbor Award during an event at the Boone County Fairgrounds on Friday, June 21. Iowa Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Grant Menke will present the award on behalf of Secretary Naig. Kent’s widow, Chris, and daughters, Josie and Maddie, will accept the award on his behalf.

Kent passed away in July of 2021 after a brief illness, but he left a legacy of accomplishment and leadership as the Senior Field Coordinator for the Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers (CSIF). Kent came to CSIF in July 2010 and quickly became known for his individualized, think outside-the-box approach. Kent assisted livestock and poultry farmers in following all rules and regulations, choosing good locations for new livestock barns and feedlots, enhancing relations with neighbors and implementing best management practices that improve air, soil and water quality.

From coffee shops and fence line conversations to official public meetings, he was able to share his deep reservoir of knowledge simply and effectively. Kent was known for looking at all angles and bringing sound science to the job. He had a knack for people, in each situation looking at the best option for the family as well as the farm’s neighbors and community. For producers, Kent coming to the farm was often a positive turning point in their project.

“Iowa agriculture remains strong because we have so many talented and dedicated people working every day to keep us productive for the consumers and communities who rely on us. Kent was one of those people who truly made a difference. Unfortunately, we lost Kent far too soon, but his legacy lives on through his wonderful family and the many other Iowa farm families that benefited from his expertise and assistance,” said Secretary Naig. “We are pleased to present the Wergin Good Farm Neighbor award to his wife Chris and their daughters Josie and Maddie.”

Kent grew up on a diversified crop and livestock farm near Perry and received a degree in Animal Science from Iowa State University. He spent his early career working for companies that touched both the agriculture and energy sectors. Kent’s passion for livestock and agriculture also included his own flock of sheep and meat goats, as well as horses and other farm animals.

Kent and Chris, who works as a Program Specialist at the Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine, instilled a passion for agriculture in their two daughters. Both Josie and Maddie are active in 4-H and FFA. The girls have downsized the number of sheep and goats, added a couple more horses and started a small cow/calf herd partnership. Josie will be a freshman majoring in Music Education at Iowa State University. Maddie, a high school junior, remains busy with dance and drama club at Ames High School.

The Wergin Good Farm Neighbor Award is made possible through a partnership with CSIF, The Big Show on WHO Radio, and the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship. Now in its 20th year, this award recognizes Iowa livestock farmers who take pride in caring for the environment and their livestock while being good neighbors. It is named in memory of Gary Wergin, a long-time WHO Radio farm broadcaster who helped create the award.


About the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship

Led by Secretary Mike Naig, the Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship serves the rural and urban residents that call Iowa home. Through its 14 diverse bureaus, the Department ensures animal health, food safety and consumer protection. It also promotes conservation efforts to preserve our land and enhance water quality for the next generation. Learn more at

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