CSIF Tips of the Month – July 2016

07-15-2016 in Through The Gate

Third Annual ‘Farming is a Family Affair’ Photo Contest Announced

In celebration of Iowa’s farm families, we kicked off the month by launching our third annual “Farming is a Family Affair” photo contest.

The contest runs from July 1 – August 1 and is administered through the CSIF Facebook page. The top three photos with the most likes will receive a day package to the Iowa State Fair, and the grand prize winner will take home a customized farm family sign featuring the recipients last name.

“The Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers is committed to helping Iowa’s farm families carry on the tradition of raising livestock successfully and responsibly,” said Brain Waddingham, CSIF executive director. “The photo contest is not only a reflection of the Coalition’s mission, but a tribute to the farm families who pass on their passion for agriculture from one generation to the next.”

Participants may submit their favorite photo of their farm family living in the moment by emailing hbanwart@supportfarmers.com. Entrants must be Iowa residents and submissions are limited to one photo per household. The photos will be posted on CSIF’s Facebook page where Iowans can cast their vote by ‘liking’ their favorite photo.


CSIF Hosts First-of-its-Kind Workship in Northeast Iowa

The Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers recently hosted a first-of-its-kind event to help livestock farmers maximize the nutrient value of their manure. The “Manure: Your Fertilizer Source Workshop” was held on Wednesday, July 6 at the Comfort Inn in Dyersville. Around 60 farmers and agricultural business leaders were in attendance.

Mike Naig, Iowa Deputy Secretary of Agriculture, kicked off the day welcoming attendees and reminding them that despite Iowa’s water quality challenges “we’ve got an agriculture and farmers that Iowans can be proud of.” Local area farmers, extension specialists and members of the CSIF team also contributed their insights by presenting on topics ranging from manure management plans, calculating manure value and improving neighbor relations. Overall, the pilot event was a success!

Keep an eye on our website for the complete follow-up story!


Farm Tip: Minimizing Livestock Odor Complaints

Farmers understand that odor emissions are a piece of the livestock production puzzle. But not all of our friends and neighbors are accepting of the smells that occasionally waft from our barns and feedlots.

It is important to remember that first impressions leave lasting impressions. One of the best ways to minimize the potential for odor complaints is to tidy up your farm and building sites. Onlookers will be less likely to judge or complain if your farm is clean and presentable.

Another great way to reduce negative criticism is to develop an odor management plan. This process allows you to identify potential odor sources on your farm while determining which strategies will work best for controlling those same sources. Click here for more tips regarding odor control.


Diagnosing Tree Problems: A 3-Step Solution

After devoting your time and money to a newly planted farm windbreak, the last thing you want is for your trees to become unhealthy, lose their aesthetic appeal or die. The reality is, trees are susceptible to a number of health threats including environmental stresses, siting problems, animal injury, disease and insect infestations.

Diagnosing tree problems doesn’t necessarily require referencing a textbook or online resource. Instead, the process can start with you. By following these three easy steps, your own observations may be the key to finding the right solution.


Farmgate Quotable

“Our reasons for contacting the Coalition was really two-fold. The first was that we wanted to make sure we were following the rules and following the regulations, even though we fall well below any of the thresholds in terms of regulations. We also wanted to make sure that we’re being good role models, not only for the community, but for our students that are coming out to the farm for labs throughout the spring and fall semesters.”

– Travis Lautner, DMACC Dallas County Farm Coordinator

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