CSIF Tips of the Month – February 2016

02-03-2016 in Through The Gate

Young Farmer Financing and Business Planning Resources

Bringing the Next Generation Back to the Farm was the theme as more than 200 beginning farmers gathered in Ames, January 21, for the 11th annual Farming for the Future Conference, hosted by the Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers.

This year’s conference covered key business components and provided resources for young farmers looking to return to an existing operation or get their own start on the farm.

Beginning or expanding a farming operation takes money. For the young farmer, finding the necessary funding can be daunting – but not impossible.

“The main thing to remember is your banker wants you to succeed,” added Jayme Ungs, Vice President and Division Agricultural Specialist with U.S. Bank.

Read more about financing programs available to help young farmers here. For more business plan development strategies, succession and transitioning tips, and more, click here.


CSIF 2015 Annual Report Available Online

2015 was another record year for the Coalition in providing assistance to Iowa’s farm families. Although there were some challenges along the way, there were also many opportunities within the livestock industry.

We owe a big “thank you” to Iowa’s commodity groups for their generous support which allowed us to provide free and confidential assistance to livestock farmers to help them make responsible decisions about their farms. Over the last eleven years the Coalition has become a trusted partner of Iowa’s livestock industry and its farmers.

During the 2015 fiscal year, the Coalition provided on-farm consultations to 245 farm families, which is up nearly 40% from 2011. The Coalition received 419 new requests for assistance, and facilitated 353 requests for continued support, whether it was answering questions over the phone or providing an on-farm consultation.

Since the Coalition’s launch eleven years ago, the organization has helped 3,307 livestock and poultry farm families successfully and responsibly grow their farms.

For more information and to access the 2015 CSIF Annual Report, click here.


Farm Tip: Expanding Existing Sites

Thinking about building a new livestock confinement? Did you know there’s different sets of separation distances for new and existing confinement livestock operations?

If you are planning to expand an existing livestock operation that currently has a confinement in use, the requirements are different than those for a new, stand-alone site.

The Coalition is here to help you navigate the complex rules and regulations, but the first question to answer is: what was the construction date of the first confinement built on that location? Once we have that answer, we can better assist you in interpreting the rules that apply to your specific location and situation.


Windbreak Design Tip: Incorporating Shrubs

Evergreen and deciduous trees are the most popular types of trees used in windbreaks. But, did you know, a way to add to the effectiveness and visual appeal of your windbreak is to add a row (or more) of shrubs?

A new article on the Green Farmstead Partner program blog provides key information on some of the most commonly used shrubs in windbreak designs for Iowa livestock farms. Read more here.


Farmgate Quotables

“I worked with the Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers and I can’t say enough good about them. They helped us out immensely by connecting us with the right people and they went to great lengths to help me to make sure we got everything right.” – Jay Decker, Dubuque County dairyman

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