CSIF Tips of the Month: December 2012

12-04-2012 in Livestock

Something New! CSIF Tips of the Month

The Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers (CSIF) sends out a monthly e-newsletter. Each E-TEAM! Newsletter will include a new feature entitled “CSIF Tips of the Month” – including rules and regulations updates, siting tips and much more! These tips will also be posted on our website. To sign up to receive these tips and other timely information via email, click here.

If you have questions or specific topics you would like to see addressed in our communications, please contact Rita Cook at 515-225-5515 or rcook@supportfarmers.com.

Rules and Regs Tip: Manure Applicator Certification

If you are a commercial manure applicator OR a confinement site manure applicator with more than 500 animal units in confinement, make plans to renew your certification. There are various options to become certified and/or renew certification.

Confinement site applicators can attend one of many Manure Applicator Certification (MAC) workshops offered around the state during January and February. Other options include watching a video of the workshop or taking a test at a DNR field office.

Commercial applicators can attend a workshop (scheduled for Jan. 4 and offered at several county extension offices), watch a recorded version or take an exam at a DNR field office.

CSIF believes it is important livestock and poultry farmers continue to strive to meet and exceed the requirements of the law, particularly in protecting water quality. If you have questions or concerns about how the rules and regulations apply to your livestock or poultry farm and would like an un-biased opinion from a confidential third-party, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 800-932-2436.

Siting Tip: Master Matrix

Every year, county boards of supervisors have the opportunity to decide if they want to review proposals for new or expanding CAFOs (confined animal feeding operations) over 1,000 animal units.

This review process is called the master matrix, which is a scoring system used to evaluate the siting of permitted confinement feeding operations. Points can be taken for meeting certain separation distances and using practices that reduce effects on the environment and neighbors. To pass the requirements of the matrix, the site must have a minimum score of 440 out of 880 points.

Counties must re-adopt the construction evaluation resolution annually between January 1 and January 31 to continue to use the master matrix.

If you have questions on how the adoption, or lack thereof, of the master matrix may impact your plans for your farm, please call the Coalition at 800-932-2436.

Quote of the Month

“If you’re thinking about doing something on your farm, it helps to talk to someone and get reassurance about your decision. CSIF is always ready and willing to give you good information about rules and regulations, planting trees and talking to your neighbors about plans for your farm.” – Bruce Wessling, hog farmer, Grand Junction

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