CSIF News Briefs – March 2017

03-31-2017 in Cattle

Calving Under Roof Event Highlights Key Management Considerations for Cow-Calf Producers

Shrinking pasture availability has led many cow-calf producers across the Midwest to consider calving under roof as a viable alternative. That’s why experts at the Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers recent Midwest Cow-Calf Symposium were invited to address the key management decisions of raising cows and calves in a confined setting.

Nearly 300 beginning and experienced farmers from eight states attended the two-day symposium in Omaha to learn about cow-calf health, nutrition and other best management practices.

The Midwest Cow-Calf Symposium was co-sponsored by the Alliance for the Future of Agriculture in Nebraska (AFAN), Iowa Cattlemen’s Association and the Nebraska Cattlemen.

Stay tuned for the complete follow-up story as well as virtual tours featuring Accu-Steel, Hoop Beef System and Central Confinement Service hoop barns.


Mahaska County Family Presented with Good Farm Neighbor Award

The Neil Albertson family of Mahaska County was awarded the Wergin Good Farm Neighbor Award on Monday, March 20th in recognition of their outstanding efforts as livestock caretakers. Iowa Secretary of Agriculture, Bill Northey, presented the award to the Albertsons, acknowledging the positive impact the family has not only in their local community but across the state.

“There are a lot of folks doing a great job in being a part of the culture of Iowa and making agriculture successful,” said Northey. “We appreciate the Albertson allowing us to tell their piece of the story.”


CSIF Services Spotlight:

Call the Coalition For an On-Farm Assessment – There are opportunities to grow Iowa’s livestock industry, but farmers need a plan for growth. That includes being in compliance with local, state and federal regulations. The Coalition can help you interpret and navigate the rules that apply to your current facilities, helping set your mind at easy about environmental inspections.


Water: For You. For Trees. For Livestock.

March 22nd marked the celebration of World Water Day. The quality of Iowa’s waterbodies is crucial to the well-being of your farm, your family and your livestock. Trees and shrubs are great tools for safeguarding water sources and increasing sustainability on your farm.

Check out this month’s entry on the Green Farmstead Partner Blog to learn more.


Farmgate Quotable

In 2003, the Gilbert family of Chickasaw County decided to grow their livestock farm to welcome home their son, Troy. The Gilberts knew being a good neighbor was important, so they turned to the Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers to grow successfully and responsibly.

“The Coalition is a great source of aid, encouragement and knowledge. They can help you with neighbor relations, siting your barn, and with the dynamics of what your farm is going to look like after the building is built including trees, shrubs and different kinds of grasses. They are a one stop shop.” – Kendra Gilbert, Chickasaw County Pork Producer

Follow the link to watch Kendra’s video testimonial.

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