Latest News — News Release

Robbins Family Hosts Cattle Building Open House
Farmers interested in learning about the benefits of raising cattle under roof are invited to attend an open house at the Robbins family farm to tour Justin and Lacie Robbins new cattle building on Friday, March 14 from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. A complimentary lunch will be served at 11:30 a.m. with a program to follow at noon. The Robbins farm is located at 904 Emerald Avenue, Scranton, Iowa. “The open house is a great opportunity to see how modern livestock buildings enhance animal care and safeguard the environment and how much livestock contributes to our local economy,” said CSIF Executive Director Brian Waddingham. The open house will feature a new 325 head deep-bedded cattle barn with space for 125 cow-calf pairs, 125 feeder calves and 75 fat cattle. The barn will be used year-round with a spring and fall calving herd.
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Harrison County poultry producers are leaders in their community
Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig will present the Wergin Good Farm Neighbor Award to the Jason and Jami Sherer family of Harrison County on Friday, Feb. 28. The presentation will take place at 11 a.m. at the Pisgah United Methodist Church, 420 Front St., Pisgah. Owned by Jason and Jami Sherer and their daughters Sydney and Brylee, Cobb Hollow Farm began in 2018 when Lincoln Premium Poultry (LPP) and Costco announced an expanded partnership to increase poultry production in the region. The Sherers got involved in the LPP grower network as a breeder flock that produces eggs to be hatched at a hatchery. After leaving the hatchery, the chicks are raised until market weight by other area farmers. The broilers are then harvested and made available to Costco’s customers, with the majority sold as Costco’s popular rotisserie chickens.
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Septer will assist with CSIF’s mission to support the farmers of Iowa and contribute to CSIF’s social media, event coordination, industry relations, and communication strategies.
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Naig, Mowrer Named Honorary Master Pork Producers
The Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers (CSIF) today launched the Building Your Livestock Legacy Program, a self-guided, online mentorship initiative designed to connect aspiring livestock farmers with essential financial resources and/or with established farmers who want to pass their farm operation onto the next generation.
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Multi-generational Linn County pork producers honored at the 2025 Iowa Pork Congress
Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig presented the Wergin Good Farm Neighbor Award to the Matt and Melissa Ditch Family of Center Point. The presentation took place on Wednesday, Jan. 22, during the annual Iowa Pork Congress held at the Iowa Events Center in Des Moines.
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Renewing the Mission for the Next 20 Years
The Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers (CSIF) today launched the Building Your Livestock Legacy Program, a self-guided, online mentorship initiative designed to connect aspiring livestock farmers with essential financial resources and/or with established farmers who want to pass their farm operation onto the next generation.
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Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers Launches Innovative Mentorship Program that Connects Beginning Farmers with Financial and Expert Resources
The Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers (CSIF) today launched the Building Your Livestock Legacy Program, a self-guided, online mentorship initiative designed to connect aspiring livestock farmers with essential financial resources and/or with established farmers who want to pass their farm operation onto the next generation.
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CSIF Conference Provided Financing Strategies for Livestock Farmers
Industry Experts Shared Ways to Bring Young People Back to the Farm On November 21, the Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers hosted its 19th Farming for the Future conference. More than 225 people attended the conference looking for assistance to put up their first livestock barn or to grow their current livestock farm.
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Multi-generational Fayette County farm family has a long history of community involvement and leadership
DES MOINES, Iowa (Dec. 3, 2024) – Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig will present the Wergin Good Farm Neighbor Award to the Tim and Amanda Arthur Family of Fayette County on Wednesday, December 4. The presentation will take place at an event beginning at 11 a.m. at the Hawkeye Community Hall, 102 E. Main Street, Hawkeye. Tim and Amanda Arthur live on a farm in rural Sumner that Tim’s grandparents, Lyle and Zenita Arthur founded in 1975. Tim originally farmed alongside his parents, Mark and Nancy, for a few years before they retired in 2015. The diversified family farm today includes both crops and livestock as well as a custom farming business. Chase and Johnathan Redfern and Grace and Bradley Arthur, Tim and Amanda’s children, represent the fourth generation to be involved.
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Take a Break with Bridget
As the seasons change and harvest comes into full swing, I’ve found myself reflecting on a summer filled with growth, new experiences, and an expanded network of support. My internship with the Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers has brought many positive changes into my life. From becoming a better driver during rush-hour commutes to gaining newfound confidence in my abilities and voice, this summer has been a time of significant personal development.
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